Fire Proofing

Services include cable coating, fire boarding for penetrations and mortars.

Cable Coating System

We are engaged in offering to our clients, a comprehensive range of cable coating system of premium quality. Products have high performance and zero-fault operation. All the products we use are in compliance with the industry norms and all the safety standards required for application of this equipment in the firefighting domain.

Features: –

  • Protects cables from damage from internal short circuit fires and keeps them functional for a considerable period even when exposed to intense flame impingement
  • Retards fire and arrests its propagation in both horizontal and vertical direction
  • After coating the cables remain flexible enough to sustain moderate movement without cracking/peeling off
  • One time application – no maintenance required
  • It is possible to remove individual cable from the coated cable bunch.
  • The cable coating does not deteriorate due to continuous working 
  • Non-toxic and halogen free
  • Rodent proof
  • Does not contain any flammable solvents
  • Can be applied without shut-down

What our
clients say
